在其他茶叶制作国家,如肯尼亚,茶叶生产者一直在措施解决工作场所的性别和GBV问题。为了解决性别歧视和暴力的复杂和敏感的社会可持续发展问题,IDH召开了生产者,技术专家和民间社会组织性别赋权平台(GEP) in 2017. Representing the majority of the companies in the Kenyan tea industry, the GEP has the ambitious goal to significantly reduce the occurrence of GBV, as well as to increase women’s empowerment in the Kenyan tea industry.
For gender equality and to ensure women’s safety, it is imperative that solutions are specific to the local context, workers – both women and men – are part of designing the solutions and that businesses across the supply chain are committed to investing in the solutions.
It is also essential that government, private sector, civil society and expert service providers come together to form a common agenda and commitment to address gender-based violence through policies and law implementation and effective response mechanisms.
Local government, community groups, youth, men and women all play a significant role in successful and sustainable prevention and addressal of gender-based violence.