
As a globally popular beverage and with a geographical indication tag, Assam tea is significant to the state economically and culturally. It provides employment to a large workforce and income to a growing number of small tea growers in the state.

The living and working condition of the tea workers, however, have been of concern. Different forms ofgender-based discriminations and violence is evident在茶园妇女工人的茶园妇女工人中的幼儿婚姻,贩运和孕产妇死亡率。

茶园里的妇女在Assam制造了妇女最大的劳动力。尽管在茶叶生产中具有不可或缺的作用,但阿萨姆茶园茶园工人的生活和工作条件一直是人权指标的关注。例如,尽管数量的努力和减少,但仍有相当大的改善,仍然存在maternal mortalityinformal mortality ratesthat are amongst the highest in India. The MMR and IMR are higher in the rural areas and amongst the tea garden workers community. Maternal and infant mortality is related to anemia, malnutrition, young pregnancies, and lack of adequate healthcare and is anindicator of gender inequalities present within communities.



在2018 - 19年的一年中,茶叶价值2.14亿美元出口到阿萨姆的茶园。在全球范围内,伊朗,俄罗斯,阿联酋,英国,中国,美国,德国和日本是其中一些largest consumers of Assam tea. In March 2020, the tea industry in Assam was one of the very few industries to have resumed work despite the nationwide lockdown in India due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The producers have seen a profit as tea prices soared even after some losses in production due to the pandemic.


A study by UN Womenindicatesthat women experience physical, sexual, and verbal abuse in and off the plantations in Assam. They may also experience sexual harassment and other forms of gender-based violence in workplace settings and public spaces.

根据这一点经济合作与发展组织歧视性的社会机构 - 包括暴力侵害妇女 - 全球经济一年的成本约为12万亿美元。世界银行估计across five counties that intimate partner violence alone costs countries to be between 1.2 to 3.7% of GDP, which represents what most governments spend on primary education.


根据这一点Assam Human Development Report (2014), the Gender Inequality Index is 0.375, suggesting that the existing gender disparity ensures that the state faces an approximate loss of 37 percent of potential human development, leading to high social and economic costs such as adverse sex ratio, high maternal and infant mortality rate, increased health problems, unemployment, etc. Gender inequality in the spheres of education, health, employment, wage, labor force participation and other development indicators is leading to a growth slowdown in Assam.

在其他茶叶制作国家,如肯尼亚,茶叶生产者一直在措施解决工作场所的性别和GBV问题。为了解决性别歧视和暴力的复杂和敏感的社会可持续发展问题,IDH召开了生产者,技术专家和民间社会组织性别赋权平台(GEP) in 2017. Representing the majority of the companies in the Kenyan tea industry, the GEP has the ambitious goal to significantly reduce the occurrence of GBV, as well as to increase women’s empowerment in the Kenyan tea industry.


For gender equality and to ensure women’s safety, it is imperative that solutions are specific to the local context, workers – both women and men – are part of designing the solutions and that businesses across the supply chain are committed to investing in the solutions.

It is also essential that government, private sector, civil society and expert service providers come together to form a common agenda and commitment to address gender-based violence through policies and law implementation and effective response mechanisms.

Local government, community groups, youth, men and women all play a significant role in successful and sustainable prevention and addressal of gender-based violence.

IDH has been working in the tea sector in Assam through its partners to address gender-based violence and for empowering women and girls in the tea sector in Assam. The ‘Improving the lives of women and children in Assam’s tea communities'计划与茶园和更广泛的茶群体参与阿萨姆姆,以解决,促进和整合人权和机制,以解决在茶业的商业实践中满足基于性别的暴力。IDH与道德茶叶伙伴关系和联合国儿童基金会合作,实施茶园茶园的方案。

在2020年,IDH和联合利华一直融入了支持茶叶生产者的基金,以提供专门的服务,并设立解决基于性别的暴力,加强预防,并确保妇女的安全和赋予茶园的安全和赋权。Launching in Assam, the Fund aims to accelerate the scale of the UN Women ‘Global Women’s Safety Framework in Rural Spaces’ by leveraging the efforts and capacity of local NGOs and suppliers to drive more sustainable, long-term shifts in safety within the tea supply chain.

Innovation and involvement are key to developing successful business practices to ensure gender equality. What required is a commitment to invest in long-term impacts and show models that deliver outcomes. A sectoral commitment from the actors across the supply chain, empowering women workers to take leadership roles, engaging communities to recognize and respond to GBV will surely lead to a safer place for women workers in the tea sector.


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