

热带森林风光© Unsplash

“叶联盟是一个开创性的例子,是与气候危机打击气候危机并在2050年实现全球净零排放所需的合作规模和类型。将政府和私营部门资源汇集在一起​​是支持大型资源的必要步骤。必须动员的规模努力,以阻止森林砍伐并开始恢复热带和亚热带森林。”说Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry

通过加速森林金融(LEAF)联盟来降低排放,是一项倡议,挪威政府,英国,美国以及包括亚马逊,Airbnb,Airbnb,Bayer,Boston Consulting Group,GSK,GSK,McKiney,McKiney,McKiney,Nestlé,Nestlé,Nestlé,Salesforce和Unilever。联盟的参与者将支持热带和亚热带森林国家的高质量排放减少,从而努力减少和结束森林砍伐。美国非营利组织Emprent将提供一个平台,以促进交易并充当LEAF的行政协调员。


英国总理鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)说:“世界的热带森林是我们星球的肺部,但我们以不合情理的速度失去了这些伟大的生态系统。这对数十亿人的生计和寄托依赖森林的人造成了毁灭性的影响,并正在放弃我们应对气候变化的努力。时间耗时,可以保护我们的热带森林免受不可逆转的损失,并将全球变暖限制为1.5°C。这就是为什么英国自豪地与我们的合作伙伴一起参加了极为令人兴奋的叶子联盟,宣扬商业投资并与森林国家携手合作,以停止森林砍伐,减少全球温室气体排放,并使大自然走上恢复道路。透明

“热带森林对于应对气候变化和生物多样性的丧失是必不可少的,并且受到应有的关注和金融少得多。今天,叶子联盟迈出了第一步,改变了这一步骤。”挪威总理Erna Solberg。“Finally, tropical forest countries can be assured that financial rewards are available if they can demonstrate reduced deforestation. I am delighted that big companies are now stepping up to provide this finance in addition to cutting their own emissions.”

到2030年,结束热带森林砍伐是满足全球气候,生物多样性和可持续发展目标的关键部分。热带森林通过吸收大气中的碳来发挥宝贵的作用。保护热带森林在未来十年中为气候行动提供了最大的机会之一 - 到2030年提供了近四分之一的缓解措施。叶子背后的动机是提高全球气候野心并为热带森林保护做出贡献。世界各地的热带森林受到威胁。从2019年到2020年,对原发性雨林的破坏增加了12%。总的来说,去年,世界损失了超过440万公顷的原发性热带森林覆盖率,该地区比瑞士的大小大。


圭亚那副总裁Bharrat Jagdeo说: “The Government of Guyana welcomes the launch of LEAF. Tropical forest countries have long called for the ecosystem services provided by the world’s standing tropical forests to be properly valued, through both public and private finance. This will enable people who live in forests and forest countries to create jobs and economic opportunity from an economy that works with nature, instead of today’s reality where forests are often worth more dead than alive. If this new economy is to be more attractive than the old economy, LEAF must also catalyse funds that flow quickly and efficiently. The systems to enable this can only be successful if forest countries are involved in their design – and we stand ready to work with the LEAF Coalition to achieve the innovation required.”

Andrea Meza, Minister of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica说:“哥斯达黎加深深致力于利用基于自然的解决方案,这是我们努力建立未来的关键组成部分,即公正,脱碳,适应和弹性。我们欢迎叶子联盟的启动,尤其是其及时基于结果的金融窗口,这些窗户为拥有高级NDC(例如我们)的国家提供了必要的支持。我们期待着以圣何塞原则的精神来合作,着重于环境完整性和雄心壮志。”

Ensuring the full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders — in particular, Indigenous Peoples and local communities — is a key principle for the LEAF Coalition. LEAF participants and forest country partners will work together to ensure forest protection plans will respect the rights of Indigenous Peoples and members of local communities. Emergent, along with Coalition participants, will be seeking views and input from Indigenous Peoples and other stakeholders over the next few months prior to the conclusion of any purchase agreements.

“该联盟的力量是它设定的榜样,特别是对于公司而言,需要参与来动员保护热带森林所需的资金。叶联盟为公司如何通过投资于热带和亚热带森林的额外排放减少,并确保确保拥有并继续保护这些森林的土著人民的权利来补充自己的排放量,以补充自己的排放量的深度削减,为自己的排放量增加了高度的标准。并实现。这些减少的排放量不能替代,而是除了基于科学的减少目标一致的自身价值链中排放的深度削减。”Victoria TauliCorpuz, former UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Executive Director of Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education)

Christiana Figueres, the UN’s former climate chief and founding partner of Global Optimism说:“现在是时候让公共部门和私营部门的领导人激励自然的保护和恢复,以便将温度升高到1.5C的机会更好。今天的联盟公告提供了新的财务流动,以大规模消除热带森林砍伐,改善社区的韧性和治理,增加生物多样性,这是超越气候危机的蓬勃发展所必需的。”

“到2030年结束森林损失对于应对从气候变化和生物多样性损失到污染危机所面临的每一个环境挑战至关重要。但是为此,我们需要将正确的价格投入碳,因为我们知道,当污染征税时,行业会发生变化。我欢迎建立叶子联盟 - 一项雄心勃勃的倡议,将在一个大规模上提供 - 我们需要保存和可持续地使用我们的森林的财务,以一种将其视为补充而不是替代品,用于排放的深度削减。为我们的森林提供资金正在为可持续发展目标提供资金。”说联合国环境计划执行董事Inger Andersen

Before funding is provided to any country, an independent third-party will verify that deforestation — and the associated greenhouse gas emissions — has been reduced across entire countries, states or provinces, known collectively as “jurisdictions.” If a jurisdiction has protected forests in one part of its territory, while significant deforestation occurs in another part, that jurisdiction will not qualify for LEAF financing.

“气候变化是对我们星球的最大威胁,叶子联盟为我们提供了一个机会,将政府和公司召集起来。”杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos),亚马逊创始人兼首席执行官。“In uniting behind a common cause, the countries and companies of the coalition have a chance to end deforestation by 2030. As founders of The Climate Pledge – a commitment to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement 10 years early – we’re excited to support this important initiative and encourage others to do the same.”

“ Airbnb很荣幸能参加叶子联盟,并努力保护我们星球的热带森林和生物多样性。保护热带森林是减少全球碳排放的至关重要的一步,而叶子联盟是政府和企业如何共同解决气候危机的一个很好的例子。”说Brian Chesky, co-founder and CEO, Airbnb

拜耳首席执行官Werner Baumann: “The climate emergency calls for bold action and new collaboration. As a global leader in health and nutrition, Bayer is living up to its responsibility to fulfill the Paris Agreement. This includes continuous innovation at the intersection of biology and technology, for example new business models for farmers to capture CO2 emissions. It is in this same spirit that we proudly join the LEAF Coalition. We look forward to working with the countries and corporate participants involved in protecting and restoring tropical forests. There will be no climate solution without forest protection.”

Rich Lesser, Global CEO, Boston Consulting Group说:“作为我们到2030年实现零气候影响的大胆雄心勃勃的一部分,BCG自豪地加入了叶子联盟,并为加速全球森林保护的步伐和规模做出了贡献。世界上的森林(如今占地30%)是一种非常宝贵的资源,存储碳,净化水和空气以及保护生物多样性。在全球范围内实现零净值取决于我们保护这一重要资源的能力。”

艾玛·沃尔姆斯利(Emma Walmsley),首席执行官GSK说: “As a global healthcare company we want to play our part in protecting and restoring the planet’s health, to protect and improve people’s health. We are committed to be carbon net zero and nature net positive by 2030. This will require meaningful reductions of our own impact and will help make our business more resilient – ultimately protecting our products that people rely on. We believe the LEAF Coalition offers an effective and credible mechanism to have real and systemic impact on climate, nature and health.”

“麦肯锡很高兴参加叶子联盟,并与来自公共和私营部门的领导人一起工作,以加快对森林保护和恢复的投资,同时支持当地社区和生计。”说麦肯锡公司全球管理合作伙伴凯文·斯内德(Kevin Sneader)

雀巢首席执行官马克·施耐德(Mark Schneider)说:“应对森林砍伐和恢复森林是解决全球气候变化的必胜之战。雀巢很荣幸能加入LEAF联盟,与国家政府和其他公司合作,加快气候行动。这补充了我们朝着净零排放净出现的动力,达到了无森林砍伐的供应链,到2030年,种植相当于2亿棵树。”

“We’re facing a climate emergency, and we need to act now,” saidSalesforce主席兼首席执行官Marc Benioff。“Our forests are the lungs of our planet, and we must conserve, restore, and grow them to avert the worst effects of climate change. No single organization or country alone can save our forests from further harm. That’s why Salesforce is proud to be an initial participant in the LEAF Coalition, which provides an innovative way to invest in protecting our tropical forests, sequestering carbon at scale, and restoring the planet that sustains us.”

Alan Jope, CEO联合利华说:“近二十年来,联合利华一直参与行业努力,以消除商品供应链中的森林砍伐。我们了解到,单独的行动(无论多么大胆)永远不会推动系统的变化。真正影响需要集体行动。今天的叶子联盟的成立为我们提供了新的希望,即我们可以大规模结束森林砍伐,并使世界达到了巴黎协定的1.5学位目标的努力。”

“There is no path to limit global warming to 1.5C and meet the Paris Agreement without stopping tropical deforestation by 2030,”世界经济论坛的创始人兼执行主席克劳斯·施瓦布(Klaus Schwab), 说。“叶子联盟是向高野心国家提供真正的经济激励措施来保护和恢复其森林的一大步。”
