
可持续贸易倡议(IDH)和拜耳刚刚签署了旨在支持巴西和哥伦比亚的可持续领土发展的谅解备忘录。The focus of the cooperation is to support and strengthen IDH’s sustainable landscape approach, the pillars of which are Production, Preservation and Inclusion (PPI), seeking to foster sustainable large-scale commodity production, food security, the inclusion of small farmers, conservation of natural resources and carbon-related mechanisms.

In Mato Grosso, the first result of this partnership is the adherence to the Sorriso PCI Compact, making Bayer a member of the Compact’s local committee and thereby supporting the achievement of the goals established in April 2019. In Sorriso, IDH co-finances the program Cultivando Vida Sustentável, implemented by Clube Amigos da Terra (CAT) Sorriso, which includes support for responsible soybean farming, the use of areas already open in the region for grain production, the restoration of the Permanent Preservation Areas and the socio-economic inclusion of family farmers, by providing technical assistance for the production of fruits, vegetables, milk and honey.


对于IDH,这种合作伙伴关系是巩固可持续领土发展模式的重要一步,以倡导商品生产中的平衡,保护自然资源和家庭农业和传统社区的融合。“我们认为,公司通过供应链中的承诺和/或投资促进可持续性的参与是验证采购领域成功(VSA)的关键。一种将可持续景观与市场和最终买家联系起来的新模型。雷竞技下载网址该公司的参与可以使这种模型扩大并带来系统性变化。IDH在IDH的全球董事Joost Oeorthuizen表示,在其运作的几个国家开展了这一战略。

通过协议,拜耳和IDH还设定了合作在实施可持续大豆农业,粮食安全,纳入小农,保护自然资源和碳市场的战略方面的目标。“PCI项目的支柱符合我们作为公司的战略目标,并将成为拉丁美洲拜耳农业部长的罗德里戈·桑托斯(Rodrigo Santos)推动了该地区的可持续发展的柱子。

萨尔萨罗市长Ari Lafin的市长也庆祝了伙伴关系,他考虑拜耳对当地PCI的支持,这是实施战略的重要成就。“公司的粘重性,主要是这种规模,表明了与PCI中实体开发的工作的可信度。Lafin说,成功是统一和对话的努力,统一和对话,以社会包容和保存的发展“。

马托格罗索的政府与IDH的合作关系于2016年正式确立。自那时以来,流程建立了支持的实现生产、保存和包括(PCI)策略,构建的PCI研究所,淡水河谷地区契约的成立做蝴蝶,Sorriso Barra Garcas,该州的环境管理,与私营部门联合融资项目,到2021年,总投资约900万欧元。
