
If just seven Europe’s leading tropical timber-importing countries (the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium and Spain) committed to 100% sustainable sourcing of timber, over 5 million hectares of tropical forest could be sustainably protected.


该报告标题为‘How Sustainable are Europe’s Tropical Timber Imports?’identifies trends in the trade of tropical timber on the EU market, and explores how an EU commitment to 100% verified sustainable tropical timber can contribute to deforestation-free supply chains and help meet climate change mitigation targets.


  1. 只是30% of tropical timber products on the EU market are estimated to be verified sustainable
  2. If the seven main timber-consuming countries (Germany, France, the UK, Netherlands and Italy plus Belgium and Spain) sourced only verified sustainable primary tropical timber, an estimated additional530万公顷的热带森林可以可持续管理和保护。
  3. 需要更多的欧洲野心和公私行动,以将经过验证的可持续热带木材的市场份额提高到100%。

在法国,比利时和西班牙等国家 /地区,市场份额低至12%,但在英国和荷兰等国家 /地区,在欧盟,在欧盟的这一市场份额很大股票停滞左右约60%。

七个主要市场中有六个已经签署Amsterdam Declaration,致力于可持续的“森林砍伐商品”棕榈油,大豆和可可 - 但不是木材。

Nienke Stam, IDH’s Tropical Timber Program Senior Manager says:

“If we are serious about halting tropical deforestation, the European deforestation-free commodity agenda needs to include ambitious targets on verified sustainable timber.”


IDH景观计划总监Daan Wensin雷竞技下载网址g说:

“ IDH支持与农产品(例如棕榈油,大豆和可可)有关的计划,目的是100%验证整个欧盟的可持续进口。对于木材,我们的目标是与私营和公共部门合作在生产和采购国家中进行合作。”


Probos的Mark Van Benthem说:



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阿姆斯特丹宣言签署人的下一次会议将于2018年6月27日在巴黎举行。Find out more

The subject of using data to grow the market for verified sustainable timber uptake will be discussed at the 5th annual European STTC conference ‘Using data to drive market share’ in Paris on 25 October 2018.在此处注册活动

关于IDH的木材计划:The IDH timber program aims to contribute to a reduction in deforestation, and works via a two-tier approach: by increasing sustainable (including legal) supply of tropical timber; and by increasing demand for sustainable tropical timber through the Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC).//www.notoshabby.com/sectors/tropical-timber

关于STTC:The European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC), founded by IDH,是一个工业,商业,政府和非政府组织的联盟,致力于增加欧洲对可持续采购的热带木材的需求。STTC的目的是开发市场,以激励热带国家负责森林管理的增长和传播。http://www.europeansttc.com


图片:Mark Van Benthem/ Probos